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Intelligent manufacturing

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DCS control system DCS5000


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    Huazhang DCS 5000 distributed control system is a process control system developed by Huazhang Technology for papermaking enterprises, and is used for measuring, monitoring and controlling the execution of process. All these tasks are integrated into an unified architecture by each high-quality processor and remote I/O, to complete all automatic control functions of pulping and papermaking production line. The system scheme of redundant hot-standby can be selected under the occasion with high reliability requirement. 

    The mature process logic program is added to complete the complicated processes like repulping, degritting, coarse screening, fine screening, heat dispersion, disc mill, etc., and make the overall commissioning of the project quick and convenient. Recipe management, alarm management, operating record and other system functions are integrated into the system seamlessly, to provide an unified engineering work environment for process operators, maintainers and designers and facilitate maintenance and management.

    Modularized design allows users to select hardware extension and software function increase based on actual demands, thus to fit the change of various process demands.
